Andreas nuper praeses factus sodalibus suis s.p.d.
Over the past few years, there have been many things new for me among which is moving to Connecticut and becoming a part of ClassConn. During this time, the importance of community, professional and otherwise, has been the thing that I have felt most that I have lacked and something that ClassConn has helped me to find. I want to extend immense gratitude to Katy Reddick whose excellent example of leadership I now follow and the other members of the ClassConn board who have welcomed me, a peregrinus nuper civis Connecticutensis factus, and made me feel a part of the community that we cultivate here.
I felt that sense of community deeply at the annual meeting held at Yale this past year. It was an immense pleasure to spend time with so many passionate and erudite members of ClassConn, as well as the various members of the Yale University Classics Department who further enriched our meeting with their knowledge and sodalitas that made the event particularly joyful and instructive.
Our next professional gathering is approaching! The CANE annual meeting held at the University of New Hampshire on March 22nd and 23rd . I am again looking forward to seeing so many familiar faces and meeting more folks with whom I have not yet made acquaintance. These gatherings are personally and professionally enriching for me in a myriad of ways. At these meetings, I get the opportunity to see how so many of our colleagues in ancient studies bring these notions to their own students and listen to scholars expand my understanding of ancient texts, offering new perspectives and readings that I can in turn use in my own classroom. These boons cannot be ignored but in these professional spaces, what I find myself admiring even more is seeing everyone, joined by a similar studium for the anicent world, coming together to share their ideas, lives, and time outside of official sessions.
My highest and most important goal as president is embracing our community and expanding it even further to celebrate the ancient Mediterranean that ties so much of us to each other. I would love to see the expansion of our membership to ClassConn and use each other and our deep knowledge and wisdom to support those entering the community. We currently have a committee who is looking into how we can do that but, we also want to hear from you, our community. What do you want to see from ClassConn? We are spread throughout the state of Connecticut but this organization connects us. I have felt this connection myself and we want you to feel it too. I encourage you all to sign up for CANE so that we can strengthen further these bonds and foster love for the ancient world, not only in its ancient context, but also how we receive it and interact with it today.
haec hodie habui quae scriberem! operam interim date vos ut quam optime valeatis!
imo ex animo,
Andrew “Andreas” Morehouse