October 15, 2023

Location: Café Flo in Old Lyme

Present: Paula, Susan, and Peter Craig

On this Ides of October, Paula, Susan, and Susan’s husband, Peter, met in Old Lyme at the Florence Griswold Museum’s Café Flo. Soon after we were seated (outside seating only) on this cloudy, chilly day, the sun came out (multas gratias, Apollo!) to warm us, and we had a very pleasant lunch. We discussed recent and upcoming travels, books to read, and current activities. Every October, the museum hosts the Wee Fairy Village, so a stroll around the grounds after lunch was a must. We admired the fantastical creations for this year’s theme: a sea fairy civilization. We even had Latin Moments with the fairies: there was a miniature Colosseum in one display and another display was dedicated to Artemis!

Meet next: March 15, 2024 – location to be decided.

Location: Joyce’s cottage 

Present: Gerry, Ginger, Joyce, Nina, Susan, and mystery guest ... Marilyn Archibald!

We had a very pleasant chat on Joyce’s porch and a delicious lunch. Joyce made Italian chicken salad and introduced several of us to “Hint” water. Gerry’s banana bread should win a prize. Many topics were discussed. Susan brought up how no Latin teacher in the county of a friend of hers who teaches Latin in Virginia is permitted to use any textbook. All teaching materials must be created by the teacher. We discussed the new “Caesarless” AP curricululm and Marilyn informed about the IB Latin curriculum. Nina shared research she has done about a mythological image at the Slater Museum that she will be presenting at the next ClassConn Annual Meeting (Oct 28 at Yale). On a lighter note, Gerry told about a comedy she loves watching, “Mouse Hunt.” Susan was intrigued enough that she rented it that very night. It’s a combo of Ratatouille, The Money Pit, and Home Alone with 2 Stooges. The sets, stunts, and animatronics are impressive. Not recommended for musophobiacs 

July 15, 2023

May 15, 2023

22nd CCIR Meeting

Location: Susan’s

Present: Ginger, Joyce, Gerry, and Susan

We had a cheery lunch outdoors on the patio at Susan’s. There were too many topics of discussion to list! Gerry brought Latin materials to pass on. 

Meet next: Joyce’s cottage on or around July 15; to join us, contact Susan Craig at classicgamma@gmail.com

March 15, 2023

21st CCIR Meeting

Location: Zoom

Present: Nina, Allen, Ginger, Joyce, and Susan

Our meeting opened with the observation that, these days, it seems like “everything, everywhere all at once.” We discussed current chaos in the real and virtual “verses.” We shared stories of covid still among us. We shared concerns about the ongoing war in Ukraine and worries about China. We moved on to talking about the CANE meeting this coming weekend. Paula will be there and Allen will attend virtually. Joyce highly recommended reading The Warmth of Other Suns which elicited mention of Caste (by same author). Several present had read Snowdon’s Racism in Antiquity. Nina is reading a book about Crete and she will travel to Athens and Santorini in April. Ginger is heading to London soon. We all agreed it was great to reconnect again, even if on Zoom for the limited 40 minutes. We plan to meet next in person, on or near the Ides of May, or before, if anyone has a suggestion.

Other retired ClassConn members are always welcome! Email Susan Craig at classicgamma@gmail.com