President's Letter, Fall 2024

Andrew producing and restoring at SALVI this summer.

Andreas praeses sodalibus suis s.p.d.

This summer was wonderfully productive and restorative. I spent time with colleagues, friends new and old, and most importantly, with family. But as the weather gets colder and the leaves change their colors, I am filled with excitement for the Fall. I look forward to our annual meeting, the smaller gatherings we share as a Classics community, and working to keep ClassConn relevant.

Daniel Libatique

Our Annual meeting will be held at Yale University on November 9th starting at 8:00 AM. This year’s theme is Personal Journeys. We are fortunate to have Daniel Libatique  as our Keynote speaker to share his own personal journey in Classics. After lunch, there will be a small workshop offered by the folks in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. It will indeed be exciting. Registration information will follow soon!

If you find yourself, however, in search of sodalitas or iucunditas ahead of this event, check out the ClassConn Facebook group. We are planning more in-person, casual hangouts where you can learn from your peers or, of perhaps even greater import, find other like-minded sodales with whom you can enjoy your time away from daily cares. On September 12th, our very own Joey Meyer gathered a group in West Hartford and, though I sadly could not attend, I heard it was a wonderful time. Our next in-person event is already on the calendar! Vice President Kate Horsley is organizing a gathering at Rudy’s Bar in New Haven with the esteemed Nathalie Roy! This event will be held from 4:00 PM—­5:30 PM on October 10th. quo plures, eo melius! ClassConnected in Retirement is active, as well. Check out information about them here.

This all brings me to my final point: we want to know how we can better serve our Classics community in Connecticut. I mentioned in my very first letter as President (fugit inreparabile fugit, ut ait quidam Vergilius) that I have only recently become a Connecticut resident. The ClassConn community has been welcoming and invaluable. How else can we serve you? How can we grow our community? Take a moment to fill out this survey and to share your thoughts.

haec hodie habui quae dicerem! I hope that your own personal journey takes you to our forthcoming annual meeting! bene valete!

 imo ex animo,

Andrew “Andreas” Morehouse

Posted on October 3, 2024 .