Posts tagged #Summer

President's Letter, Summer 2024

Andreas praeses sodalibus suis s.p.d.

Summer is finally here! I, of course, mean the metaphorical summer break that comes with the end of the school year and not the actual seasonal change as I write this, though that indeed is also around the corner. For me, summer brings with it two things: a time to rest, relax, and recharge, and a time for personal and professional development. I plan on devoting more time to the former than in previous years to keep up with the demands that I met with this school year. However, I cannot help but give myself to the latter as it makes me feel balanced and centered, reminding me of the joy I get from this field and from the many amazing folks who have so much to offer from their own experiences.

So, what am I doing this summer? I will tell you first what I wish I was doing—the American Classical League Institute in Tucson, Arizona. A healthy contingent of ClassConn folks will be in attendance and quite a few are presenting! I was not able to fit ACL Institute into my schedule this year, but it is such an enjoyable, enriching, and welcoming atmosphere where I have had great opportunities to learn, network, and see friends old and new. Are you attending or presenting at ACL this year? We’d love to hear from you all about it!

I will, however, be spending about three weeks in West Virginia to run and assist the Latin immersion weeks called Rusticationes offered by SALVI (Septentrionale Americanum Latinitatis Vivae Institutum). At these events, you spend an entire week immersed entirely in Latin. No, we do not wear togae nor lie on klinia as we engage in this; rather, we immerse ourselves in the language and the literature that spans two millennia from authors of different backgrounds, temporal, geographical, and otherwise. In my time teaching and studying Latin, I have found no better professional development. It has not only broadened my view of Latin and its literature, but also restored my zeal for learning and instruction.

habesne lac?

Beside the above, I will be producing content and classes in Latin and ancient Greek for my own endeavor, Latinitas Animi Causa. Our goal is to increase access to ancient Mediterranean languages through research-informed methods and copious amounts of fun and joy (whence the name).

Among all that, I will be spending time with my family, practicing archery, playing video games, and catching up on my year-long neglected reading. We would love to hear from you about your summer plans and other professional development you are attending! Let us know!

Imo ex animo,

Andrew “Andreas” Morehouse

Posted on June 21, 2024 and filed under President's Letter.